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创新实习基地单位 2013-06-29



The Shenzhen Urban Planning & Design Institute (UPDIS) is an urban planning research and design firm possessing wide-ranging capabilities.Back during China’s first foray into the market economy and the country’s nascent urbanization, UPDIS began its ascent. The city, and UPDIS along with it, forged ahead in the reform and opening up movement. Since that time, UPDIS has built up not only a large academic and theoretical body of work, but also extensive practical, project experience. The Institute has become a force in Shenzhen’s urban planning and construction due to its proficiency in areas such as macro policy and urban development research as well as urban planning & design and engineering consulting. Creative solution-making combined with technical and design strengths place UPDIS at the leading edge of national planning institutes.


UPDIS is a National Class A Urban and Rural Planning firm, while it is National Class B in Municipal Engineering Design and Architecture & Construction Design.


版权:建筑城规国家级实验教学示范中心(重庆大学) 地址:重庆大学B区建筑馆 邮编:400045 电话:023 65120714 渝icp备06008253号 技术支持:巨软科技